Monday, June 8, 2009

June Update

I will be participating in the NAPP world wide photo walk here in Lakeland, FL on July 18th. My group is going to be led by the editor in chief of Photoshop magazine...pretty cool So far, there are 41 registered photographers-limit is 50. It is a two hour trek around downtown Lakeland followed by lunch and comparison of pics..etc. Wish me luck and I will keep ya bored...I mean, informed.

In other news, contracted then expanded my collection of glass with the selling off of my Sigma 50mm 1.4 and the acquistion (in process) of two Tamron lenses: 90mm Di macro and the 17-35mm 2.8-4 lens. The purpose behind this move is to more closely align my equipment with the photography I am planning going forward.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Valor" Memorial Bridge

"Valor" Memorial Bridge, originally uploaded by Joe Duquette.

This is one of my favorite pictures from my photo trek around the national memorials. "Valor" is one of several imposing and powerful statutes at and near the Memorial Bridge, entering DC from Maryland.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Flckr Picture Downloads

The size I have posted to Flick produce an image good for use on computer screens and cellular phones. For larger sizes, contact me! I am have put limited rights on the images so you can have for personal usage.

Starting June with a New Platform for Work

After evaluating the time and effort of maintaining my SensorFx website I have decided to take it down and am now in the process of doing that. Choosing Flickr allows my pictures to reach a far greater audience, and, enables better access to them!

In other news, shipping out P90 tomorrow, received my 20D battery charger in mail today, t mount on mirror lens seems to be functioning incorrectly.

Up next, a decision on whether to expand system with another lens. Given my penchant for something other than run of the mill, I am seriously considering Lensbaby or a 15mm lens.

Stay tuned.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Filckr Bound!

Setting up a Flickr account to better share my photographs. This account will replace my website, which I am in the process of taking down.
I will need to determine the optimum size to enable good quality prints of posted images and/or downloads of them.
Thanks and see you there, and here.
Lakeland, FL

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's eBay for the P90

Follow a few uses and producing some pretty clean images in good lighting, I have placed the P90 on eBay. The good news is that it has already met reserve and there is a day to go, so, I will recover most of my investment. Next up? Deciding what I will do to help SensorFx website have more, and possibly better, content.